Work skills
Use the community as your school.
Our complete Work Skills Programme includes:
Skills for Work
To be successful at work we need skills that are specific to the industry we work in, along with soft skills such as communication, problem solving and teamwork.
C&G puts their focus on the teaching of these soft skills. Once students have these essential work skills they can then easily transfer them into any industry they choose to go into.
Students will also learn more formal work skills such as; how to ace the interview process, how to write cover letters and how to sell their skills on a job application.
Work Experience
Work experience placements enable students to form new ideas about work and employment. We encourage students to play an active role in finding their work experience placements to make the theory of looking for work practical.
When on placement students can learn industry skills from their employer and practice the soft skills taught in ‘Skills for Work’ sessions.
Job Coaching
Job Coaches are an essential part of Work Experience. They give students support and guidance at work, but they also find the learning moments in everyday tasks and encourage reflection.
They are a powerful tool in helping students to thrive at a placement. A Job Coach can offer alternative perspectives to students, support them to try new skills and give them in the moment feedback and praise during their placements.